Section / Symposium / Round Table / Workshop Secretary
Section 1 Theoretical chemistry. Molecular structure and spectroscopy Dr. Sorana Ionescu
Section 2 Chemical kinetics; Photochemistry; Radiochemistry Drd. Cristian Hornoiu
Section 3 Chemical thermodynamics Dr. Speranta Tanasescu
Section 4 Adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis Dr. Gabriel Munteanu
Dr. Vlad T. Popa
Section 5 Electrochemistry. Ionic liquids Dr. Virgil Constantin
Section 6 Corrosion and corrosion protection Dr. Nicolae Spataru
Section 7 Physical chemistry of colloids and macromolecules Dr. Teodora Staicu
Section 8 Physical chemistry of materials. Chemical engineering Dr. Alexandra Barau
Drd. Cristina Stan
Section 9 Biophysical chemistry Dr. Petruta Oancea
Section 10 Physical chemistry of the environment. Physico-chemical analysis Dr. Valentina Chiosa
Symposium 11 Fluid Phase Equilibria Dr. Alexandru Barhala
Symposium 12 Sol-Gel Science and Technology Dr. Alexandra Barau
Drd. Cristina Stan
Symposium 13 Oscillatory Reactions Drd. Cristian Hornoiu
Symposium 14 Magnetochemistry Dr. Gabriel Munteanu
Round Table 15 EPR in nanomaterials Dr. Agneta Caragheorgheopol
Workshop 16 2nd Korean-Romanian Workshop on Molecular Science and Engineering Dr. Vlad T. Popa


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