Supervised by:










Prof. VICTOR E. SAHINI - Member of the Romanian Academy



Prof. EUGEN SEGAL - Member of the Romanian Academy

Dr. MARIA ZAHARESCU - C. M. of the Romanian Academy

Dr. MIHAI V. POPA - Director of the "Ilie Murgulescu"

Institute of Physical Chemistry



"Ilie Murgulescu" Institute of Physical Chemistry
of the Romanian Academy
Department of Physical Chemistry
University of Bucharest
Dr. Niculae Ionescu Prof. Tatiana Oncescu
Dr. Mircea Olteanu Prof. Mihaela Hillebrand
Dr. Marilena Vasilescu Prof. Cristina Mandravel
Dr. Speranta Tanasescu Prof. Elena Volanschi
Dr. Monica Caldararu Prof. Viorica Meltzer
Dr. Mariuca Gartner Prof. Cezar Bendic
Dr. Dan-Florin Anghel  
Dr. Victor Fruth-Oprisan  
Dr. Oana Carp  






Prof. DUMITRU OANCEA - C. M. of the Romanian Academy; Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry

Dr. VLAD TUDOR POPA - Scientific Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry "Ilie Murgulescu"



"Ilie Murgulescu" Institute of Physical Chemistry
of the Romanian Academy
Department of Physical Chemistry
University of Bucharest
Dr. Adrian Beteringhe Dr. Sorana Ionescu
Dr. Virgil Constantin Dr. Alina Jurca
Dr. Mirela Enache Dr. Bogdan Jurca
Dr. Oana Mocioiu Dr. Marian Micut
Dr. Gabriel Munteanu Dr. Teodora Staicu
Dr. Ana Neacsu  
Dr. Rares Scurtu  
Dr. Nicolae Spataru  






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